Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Totally Like Whatever

Written by Taylor Mali
Subject: Bad use of language - young people (teenager)
Taylor Mali is saying that teenagers don't know how to express themselves and they lost the ability of speaking in a formal tone.
I didn’t understand what the writer was trying to say.
'…it is not enough these days to simply QUESTION AUTHORITY' is the phrase I didn’t understand
'…to disguise the fact that we've become the most aggressively inarticulate generation'
I agree with the poem because actually these days teenagers tend to speak in a more informal tone and in the past, there was slang but not badly as it is nowadays.
Advice to the teenagers that use of formal language is needed and you should use it. Also it could be a warning that formal language is need for teenagers.
Talks about slang, uses as he writes
Language doesn't fit with our traditional idea of 'poetic language'
Addresses current issue by 'mocking it'
Making fun of a way of speaking
He (author/Persona) likes language
Subject: Express yourself and be confident about your ideas

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