Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Death of A Soldier

The Death of A Solider

Wallace Stevens

Life contracts and death is expected,as in a season of autumn.
The soldier falls.
He does not become a three-days personage, imposing his separation, calling for pomp.
Death is absolute and without memorial, as in a season of autumn, when the wind stops,
when the wind stops and, over the heavens, the clouds go, nevertheless,in their direction.

The poem shows that death always occurs to someone no matter what. Also, it shows that death doesn't leave anything if you die, as time flows, you want to memorized by anyone. This is showed by 'Life contracts and death is expected…'. Even if you die, the world just flows on as nothing happened. This in the poem is showed by 'The clouds go, nevertheless, in their direction. It is a very depressing poem but I think this poem is a very realistic poem. I think it might be written in a time where there was war or it is during war because the author mentions soldiers instead of just people. Though this poem is negative and depressive it is interesting how he expressed his ideas metaphorically. The example would be: ' As in a season of autumn. The solider falls' this means soldiers die like the leaves fall.

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